Fundashon Bon Intenshon

Fundashon Bon Intenshon is committed to social betterment on Curaçao through (inter)national music, sports, and arts projects with a focus on youth development


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On October 10, the documentary FRANK MARTINUS ARION: YU DI KORSÒU (literally: child of the country) from director Cindy Kerseborn will have its premiere screening at Theatre ‘t Woord at the Public Library Amsterdam.

The documentary focusses on the Dutch-Curaçao novelist, poet, and linguist Arion, who dedicated himself to the development of the Papiamentu language. Arion’s novel Dubbelspel (published in English as: Doubleplay) was the first novel to be distributed for free, in an issue of 700.000 copies, as part of the annual national campaign to promote reading. In this film, Arion also discusses the ‘brave women’ depicted in his novels and Antillean machismo.

Thomas van den Bergh from publishing house De Bezige Bij will then also present the collected poetry Heimwee en de Ruïne by Frank Martinus Arion, from which poet Marjolijn van Heemstra will recite some poems.

Theatre van ‘t Woord of the Public Library Amsterdam
Oosterdokskade 143, 1011 DL Amsterdam
20:00 hrs (auditorium opens at 19:30 hrs)

Entrance fee is Euro 10 or Euro 5 if you have a library card.
Reservations can be made via

Heimwee en de Ruïne, the collected poetry of Frank Martinus Arion is for sale at Euro 24,90.

The film and Tribute to Frank Martinus Arion event have been made possible with financial support from Fundashon Bon Intenshon and:

Alumnifonds Universiteit Amsterdam, Amsterdams Fonds voor de Kunst, CBK Amsterdam, CBK Zuidoost, Mondriaan Fonds, Letterenfonds, Pr. Bernhard Cultuur Fonds, Pr. Bernhard Cultuur Fonds Caribisch Gebied, Stichting Democratie en Media, Stichting Lira Fonds, Stadsdeel Zuidoost, VSB fonds, Uitgeverij de Bezige Bij, Theater van ‘t Woord OBA en Michael en Vani Elias-de Haseth.